My Healing Story ✨ What's In The Way Is The Way

My Healing Story ✨

What's In The Way Is The Way

Hello There,

How is your holiday season treating you?

As for me, this holiday season has been a rollercoaster. Two month ago, I had a rock climbing accident and broke my ankle right before my trip to China. This accident led to a painful surgery, six weeks of immobility, and a looong recovery time.

Immediately, of course, I had many parts that were upset, frustrated, and angry with each other. And I have a strong part wanted to fix all the chaos and make my life go back to "normal" as soon as possible. 

Then, one day, as I was mindlessly scrolling down meditations on Insight Timer, hoping to find a magical one to “cheer me up”, I stumbled upon an IFS meditation called “What's In The Way Is The Way” by Jenna Riemersma.

In the meditation, Jenna said that we often become frustrated with the parts of ourselves that feel like they are “in our way”. The parts we get stuck in repeatedly and feel like we can't move beyond. But maybe, what feels like it's “in the way” actually IS “the way” to our deeper healing when we learn how to listen to it.

In the meditation, I felt all my parts relaxing and softening back. My inner world was filled with clarity, confidence, and calmness again. What if the frustration, anger, sadness, stuckness...the blended parts IS the way?

Following the way paved by my parts, I was able to delve into the deep ocean of my inner world. I connected with some vulnerable exiles—heavily burdened and in the shadows—shaken up by this accident. They were frightened little kids trapped in the cave, waiting for an adult to notice them and rescue them from the cave.

Now, I’m finally here for them.

Just as Carl Jung said, "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." Now I have firsthand experience!

This is my healing story, and I am still on the healing path—body, mind, and soul. I constantly find joy in the ongoing process of healing and exploration. The journey never truly ends.

How about you? Have you experienced moments where what seemed like a pain turned out to be a crucial part of your healing journey? Feel free to share your thoughts or reflections with me!

Happy Holidays! 💗🎉


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